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3 Tips to Start Digital Planning for School with Banana Milk

How to use Banana Milk's digital products to increase your academic productivity through digital planning.

a weekly based 2022 digital planner that has been filled out.
My 2022 Custom Planner (not available on banana milk although it could be; ask and you may receive)

I'm not completely sure exactly how to write blog posts but I decided maybe I should give it a try and give away the little wisdom I have for free along with our products. So I am currently in my third and final year of university studying digital media productions and I can say it's been pretty difficult to keep up with all the assignments that I have to do. Since I don't have exams, only final projects, I have to keep myself organized and on time in order to deliver. With that little tidbit about me I'll give you guys how I kept up with school using the Banana Milk products I have listed below.

Of course I must say that this might not work for you. I'm a peculiar person when it comes to organization as I am also very much a procrastinator and I give up on things very quickly but let me stop rambling.

1 - Get the right (Academic) Planner for YOU

Obviously the most important thing of all is to get a planner, I mean there's nothing new here, we all know that. It's important though to get one that actually works for you. I've tried many planners, well many free planners, and to be honest they weren't all that good or rather good for me. I used a custom one last year but then I switched to the Saku Miraku Academic Planner then I switched to the Minimal Milk Planner Sheets of which I only used the daily's when my workload was heavier and I found comfort in using it.

Many people sell planners and I get it, people need a means to live life, but sometimes the planner you buy might not be for you and that just ends up being a waste of money. My sister and I started banana milk for this very purpose but you can read that spiel on the abouts page. Anyways, we might not have many planners but you can try them all out and see which one works for you and maaaaybe leave a comment or contact us and we might just make it over so you can always use it since they are all mostly dated.

2 - Make Time for Planning

I have a habit of not making time for certain things while having a lot of time for others, I mean this blog post is a testament to that fact as I have a bunch of papers to write and a whole website to build for school which I simply don't have the will to do right now. I found that I started really well planning last year in my custom planner then dropped off and tried using the academic planner but then had to settle for the planner sheets as I felt more flexible with it. But outside of my failed attempt last year I'm trying again and I implore you to keep trying because eventually it will stick. Plus it's very calming to plan out your days but at the same time nerve wreaking to sit and write down the dates of all your assignments.

3 - Keep It Updated!

Make sure to keep your planner updated. I struggled with this but try to at least turn it into a habit or carve time out of your day to do so. In all honesty I actually failed at this and even though I switched to an actual book planner I still struggle with keeping it updated and worse knowing what to put in it and how to write (if you have any tips please leave some, I'm struggling haha...). In the end, no matter what, it'll actually help you keep up to date and it's really satisfying to see the pages filled and things ticked off.

All in All...

I didn't really give much to help, I'm sorry. I'm just a procrastinator still struggling with planning but still want to try inspiring you guys to give it a try and in a way which I know would help if I wasn't so bad at it. I really wished this little bit help and I promise I'll make more information filled posts in the future. It'd be nice if you guys could comment and let me know how this blog was and also any tips you may have to help your fellow "Milkies"? I don't know, would that name make sense to call you guys? I realize a lot of you come on a lot even though our site doesn't change that often but we really appreciate it. Have a very good day or night or whatever time it might be.

Until next time ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶

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